Christendom College Theology Chairman Dr. Matthew Tsakanikas has a new three-part article, “Cultivating Time for Eternity,” which is essential reading for anyone interested in big picture narratives.
The article can be found in the respected pastoral magazine, Homiletic and Pastoral Review (HPR).
Tsakanikas begins by looking at desire and history. He uses the term desire in a broad sense—as the force which moves everything from physical objects to human actions. He concludes that section with the following:
“Time and eternity are distinct realms, but time can be taken into eternity via the path of natural desires, especially the natural desire for the truth as it seeks eternity’s call.
Tsakanikas then plants a flag for transcendence:
“There is something beyond what we see, something eternal and intelligent and the cause of intelligence and life in the material universe; something that is purely intelligent and immaterial, Eternal and without cause.”
Those familiar with Father Spitzer’s writings will recognize the resonance between Tsakanikas’ thought and Father’s. In fact, they know one another and have collaborated in the past. Both appreciate the vital importance of the faith and science dialogue in contemporary culture.
They also recognize the problems associated with Christians mistaking that which was only tentative and hypothetical for essential dogma and secular culture throwing away truly essential dogma for the false glamour of science. Tsakanikas discusses this topic in a section entitled, “Christians Must Reclaim the Sciences They Initiated, Love Dogma, Understand Doctrine.” (You’ll find it towards the end of Part II of the article.)
I’ve barely scratched the surface of all the insightful content in Dr. Tsakanikas’ article but rather than write an extended summary I’ll just encourage you to read the full article on the Homiletic and Pastoral Review website.
What is Time? Part I—Philosophy
A Point in Time: Not All Time is Linear
John Lennox: Exposing My Faith to Questioning Has Only Made it Stronger