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Katie Kresser, Ph.D.

Katie is a Professor of Art History at Seattle Pacific University in Seattle, Washington. Originally from Indiana, Katie earned her undergraduate degree from Indiana University, and her graduate degrees from Harvard University. She is the author of two books and several scholarly essays and has curated numerous exhibitions. She lives in the Seattle neighborhood of Ballard with her husband and two kids, where she enjoys walking, beachcombing and making music. She is continually fascinated by the human creative process and its capacity to open windows onto the spiritual.

Blog Post by Katie Kresser, Ph.D.

Katie Kresser, Ph.D.10 min read

Aesthetics and Spirituality Conclusion: Rome as Case Study

To conclude her series, Katie Kresser explores Rome, Italy as the convergence of global aesthetic responses to shared spiritual impulses.
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Katie Kresser, Ph.D.6 min read

Aesthetics and Spirituality Part VI: Icons

In arguably, one of the most spiritual cultures to exist, the worldwide use of icons implies a world searching for the unexplainable and high.
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Katie Kresser, Ph.D.9 min read

Aesthetics and Spirituality Part IV: Tombs

Humans have created tombs, monuments, and reliquaries for eras as links with the afterlife—efforts that attest to the soul’s immortality.
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Katie Kresser, Ph.D.10 min read

Aesthetics and Spirituality Part III: Transformation Through Dress

Throughout human history, artisans have created similar objects in response to their cultures’ religious impulses—including transformation through dress.
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Katie Kresser, Ph.D.7 min read

Aesthetics and Spirituality Part V: Idols

Our ancestors' agreement about the spiritual world with the use of idols, globally, can also infer the existence of an immortal soul.
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Katie Kresser, Ph.D.9 min read

Aesthetics and Spirituality Part II: Quests

Explore the ancient tradition of sacred quests and pilgrimages in this in-depth essay.
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Katie Kresser, Ph.D.7 min read

Aesthetics and Spirituality Part I: High Places

Discover the universal tradition of building sacred high places across ancient civilizations in this insightful blog post.
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