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Lindsay Rudegeair

Blog Post by Lindsay Rudegeair

Lindsay Rudegeair4 min read

What is a Near Death Experience?

Discover the specific parameters and veridical data that scientists use to answer the question, 'what is a near-death experience?'
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Lindsay Rudegeair9 min read

The Spiritual Meaning of Depression

Since a person is both body and soul, it is possible to have a spiritual meaning of depression as well as just a physical meaning.
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Lindsay Rudegeair4 min read

This Labor Day, How Can We Work Like St. Joseph?

With over 52% of Americans reporting dissatisfaction at work, what can we do to find purpose in “meaningless” jobs, and work like St. Joseph?
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Lindsay Rudegeair1 min read

Two-Part Podcast Interview with Fr. Spitzer on the Man-Up Show

This two-part podcast interview with Fr. Robert Spitzer on the Man-Up Show focuses on evidence for God and the battle to reconcile faith and science.
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Lindsay Rudegeair3 min read

How these Two Jesuit Priests Exemplify C.S. Lewis' Definition of Friendship

National Catholic Register points to Fathers Robert Spitzer and William Watson as example of true friendship, and we think C.S. Lewis would agree.
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Lindsay Rudegeair< 1 min read

Quieting the Mind: The Path to Prayer

How do we quiet the mind to better hear the Holy Spirit, especially when we are suffering? In order to have a quiet mind for a fulfilling prayer life, we must trust God, and in order to trust God we m
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Lindsay Rudegeair3 min read

6 FREE Resources for Religious Conversion

For May, the Pope has asked the faithful around the world to pray for evangelization, something we usually consider the task of missionaries and that guy handing out bibles on the street. But evangeli
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Lindsay Rudegeair2 min read

When Prayer Doesn't Help

What should we do if we have a healthy prayer life, but feel like something's missing? A viewer asks Fr. Spitzer if she is being tested when she finds herself growing impatient and angry with others a
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Lindsay Rudegeair2 min read

Catching up with Fr. Spitzer

Catching up with Fr. Spitzer
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Lindsay Rudegeair2 min read

Inconsistencies in Scripture

Can we believe the scriptural accounts of Jesus' passion, even though there are inconsistencies? Fr. Spitzer tackles this question in this clip from EWTN's Fr. Spitzer's Universe. To determine if we c
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Lindsay Rudegeair1 min read

The Importance of the Resurrection

A discussion of the Resurrection: evidence for it, what it means, and why it matters.
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Lindsay Rudegeair< 1 min read

Did Jesus' Divinity Save Him from Pain on the Cross?

Did Jesus' Divinity Save Him from Pain on the Cross?
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