The mission of the Magis Center is to create content that helps people find higher purpose in life, an awareness of their transcendent dignity, a sense of the transcendent providential power who guides them, and a determination to live ethically responsible lives. To that end, the Magis Center produces and distributes media that provides contemporary commentary on timeless topics.
Blog Post by Magis Center
Magis Center2 min read
Proof from Godel Theorem Shows God Exists through Super Axiom [Spitzer Scholarly Article]
Modern mathematics and computer analysis show that Godel's Theorem proves the existence of a super axiom, but this super axiom proves the existence of God.
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Magis Center2 min read
NASA Briefs on Discovery of Seven Planets Orbiting Red Dwarf
Yesterday, NASA held a news briefing on the discovery of seven new planets, at least three of which are in the habitable zone.
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Magis Center1 min read
The Transcendentals – Part I (Indication of the Interior Sense of God: Introduction to #4-8)
We all have a remarkably similar experience of the sacred and good power, as well as a remarkably similar experience of the evil powers who are against it.
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Magis Center2 min read
The Transcendentals – Part II (Indication of the Interior Sense of God: Introduction to #4-8)
As St. Augustine noted in his Confessions – God has created us for perfect truth, love, goodness, beauty, and home, and only He can fulfill these desires within us.
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Magis Center1 min read
The Awareness of the Sacred in the World (Indication of the Interior Sense of God: #2)
The second of eight indications that mankind has an interior sense of God, is a certain awareness of sacredness in the world.
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Magis Center1 min read
The Numinous Experience (Indication of the Interior Sense of God: #1)
The Numinous Experience is the first of eight indications of the interior sense that each and every human being has of God. What is the Numinous Experience?
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Magis Center< 1 min read
The Human Desire for God (Indication of the Interior Sense of God)
Around the world there is a consistent awareness of and belief in a deity which stands at the foundation of the world’s religions.
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Magis Center< 1 min read
Science and the Shroud of Turin [Spitzer Scholarly Article]
The Shroud of Turin is a burial shroud that apparently covered a man who suffered the wounds of crucifixion in a way very similar to Jesus of Nazareth.
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Magis Center< 1 min read
God and Modern Physics—A 12-Part Series
Fr. Spitzer begins his series of videos with this fundamental question: "What Can Science Teach us about Creation and Design?"
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Magis Center< 1 min read
From Nothing To Cosmos [Study Guide]
This document contains an extensive overview of the evidence from contemporary science for the existence of God.
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Magis Center< 1 min read
The Remarkable Evidence of a Transcendent Soul
In this video presentation, Father Spitzer takes us through the growing body of evidence for the reality of a transphysical human soul.
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Magis Center1 min read
Pim van Lommel on Near Death Experiences and Consciousness Beyond Life
Watch Mel Van Dusen interview renowned cardiologist Pim van Lommel about his research into near death experiences and consciousness.
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