Robert J. Kurland, Ph.D. describes himself as a retired, cranky, old physicist. whole converted to Catholicism in 1995. He now writes and teaches to show that there is no contradiction between what science tells us about the world and our Catholic faith. He is a volunteer to a federal prison and hospital, lector, and sometime player of bass clarinet, alto clarinet, clarinet, bass, tenor bowed psaltery. Find his blogs at rationalcatholic.blogspot.com.
Blog Post by Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.
Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.8 min read
23 Famous Scientists Who Believe in God
Are there scientists who believe in God? Absolutely! Discover 23 rather famous ones here!
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.13 min read
Does Quantum Mechanics Speak to Theology?
A fresh approach to interpreting quantum mechanics based on Aristotelian/Thomistic metaphysics.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.10 min read
The 'Just Right' Anthropic Coincidences of Our Goldilocks Universe: Part IV
Dr. Kurland continues to discuss the 'just right' anthropic coincidences of our universe by examining the chemistry of water and hydrogen bonding.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.5 min read
The 'Just Right' Anthropic Coincidences of Our Goldilocks Universe: Part III
Dr. Kurland continues to discuss the 'just right' anthropic coincidences of our universe. In this installment, he examines the evidence provided by physics.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.7 min read
The 'Just Right' Anthropic Coincidences of Our Goldilocks Universe: Part II
A further look into whether the anthropic coincidences are 'special' by examining astronomical and earth science evidence.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.10 min read
The 'Just Right' Anthropic Coincidences of Our Goldilocks Universe: Part I
A look into whether the anthropic coincidences are “special,” examining specific instances of the “just right” instances of these, and the cosmic evidence.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.2 min read
How Science Works, Part IV: What Science Can’t Do
This fourth installment discusses how science can answer the 'how' question but not the 'why' questions of ethics, beauty, faith, goodness, and truth.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.12 min read
How Science Works, Part III: What Science is All About
The third of the series on how science works and why science does not give us eternal truths but 'truths' of science change as new data/theories arise.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.8 min read
How Science Works, Part II—How We Believe: Rational Inquiry
The second of a series on how science works and the limits of science focusing on the different methods by which we come to believe by reason.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.6 min read
How Science Works, Part I: How We Believe—Faith and Revelation
This is the first of a series on how science works and the limits of science: things we believe by faith.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.8 min read
Extraterrestrial Life Part III: A God of Gaps
Dr. Kurland concludes his 'Extraterrestrial Life' series with his thoughts on the SCS 2021 Conference and his argument that we are His sole creation.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.6 min read
Extraterrestrial Life Part II: Ways to Search
What technology is required to aid humans in their attempt to discover whether life exists outside of our Earth?
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