On January 26, Bishop Brendan Leahy, Chair of the Bishops' Council for Catechetics, will launch Credible Catholic for Catholic Voluntary Secondary schools in Ireland, north and south. The launch will take place via a webinar on Zoom.
Over the past several years, the Magis Center has worked with the Council for Catechetics of the Irish Bishop’s conference to implement Credible Catholic into religious education programs across the Republic of Ireland.
The Irish Credible Catholic program was written for students in Senior Cycle, which in Ireland is the period of education taken by students between the ages of 15 and 18.
The Irish Version
The Irish Credible Catholic program consists of the 7 Essential Modules, but re-developed for the Irish context. However, similar to the American modules, the Irish modules explores:
- Do we have souls?
- Is there a spiritual dimension to reality?
- What is the relationship between science and religion?
- What can philosophy say about the existence of God?
- What is happiness and how can it be pursued?
- Did Jesus really exist and is there any reason to think that he is divine?
- How is the Church relevant or even credible today?
- Why would an all-loving God allow suffering?
- Can meaning be found in life’s struggles?
The Irish version of the Modules also includes an added introductory lesson. According to their teacher’s guide, “This introductory lesson reminds students that ultimately, in the Christian tradition faith is a gift and God is mystery. While we can of course engage in a serious way with questions relating to faith, faith itself is a free response to God who gently reaches out in love to us first.”
The guide goes on to say:
“In this context, Credible Catholic might be understood as a support to the wider mission of the Catholic school which lies ultimately in helping students know how much they are loved by God. The ‘heart’ of Catholic education is first an experience. Perhaps the ‘head’ of Catholic education also involves experience: the experience that there are credible answers to the vitally important questions students have about faith.”
Attend the Launch
The Zoom launch will take place on Wednesday, January 26 at 7pm GMT (2pm EST). All are welcome to attend! Please register at https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwkd-2prTwiG9xUz8PyhHjqkrhpdn-C5caQ.