The Transcendence After America Project © is an effort being spearheaded by Christendom College professor and Magis advisor, Dr. Matthew Tsakanikas on his website— The project is meant to contribute to the renewal of post-2021 America and help seed authentic religious freedom. Homiletic and Pastoral Review (published by Ignatius Press) recently posted an introductory article that is well worth reading for those of us who want to see Christianity back into the American public square. Here is a brief introduction and link to the article.
“Before becoming Pope, Joseph Ratzinger was keen to see a style known as ‘scholasticism without the armor’ be used to reach a wider public and make known the great riches of Christianity’s intellectual tradition. As Pope, in 2012 he reminded American bishops, ‘When a culture attempts to suppress the dimension of ultimate mystery and to close the doors to transcendent truth, it inevitably becomes impoverished and falls prey, as the late Pope John Paul II so clearly saw, to reductionist and totalitarian readings of the human person and the nature of society.’ To counter this he advised, ‘The preparation of committed lay leaders and the presentation of a convincing articulation of the Christian vision of man and society remain a primary task of the Church in your country; as essential components of the new evangelization, these concerns must shape the vision and goals of catechetical programs at every level.’ The ‘Transcendence After America Project’ takes up this task.”