On this feast day of John Paul II we want to recommend a recently released book, “100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World” by Patrick Novecosky. The foreword is by best selling author Paul Kengor (“A Pope and A President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century”) and the impressive endorsement list is a good cross section of influential Catholics. Here are two representative endorsements:
“Patrick has done us all an invaluable service by highlighting 100 ways—through word and witness—that this beloved saint taught the world to ‘Be not afraid,’ and always to ‘go into the deep’ with faith.” —Raymond Arroyo
“Patrick Novecosky offers a sweeping picture of the astonishing impact of this great man.” —Rick Santorum
“100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World” can be read in a sitting but meditated upon for a lifetime. Do yourself and/or a loved one a spiritual favor on this wonderful feast day and purchase this book!
Ways to purchase “100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World”
Get your copy of "100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World" at one of the links below.
- Directly from Patrick (can be dedicated and signed)
- Our Sunday Visitor
- Amazon
Read Also:
Saint John Paul II on the 100th Anniversary of His Birth