A Caution on Near Death Experiences
Near death experiences are common in popular storytelling and more common than one might think. But what caution should we exercise regarding NDEs?
Lose Yourself to Find Yourself
You may choose dissimilar methods from Christianity on your journey to lose yourself to find yourself and C.S. Lewis says your intentions are not far off.
Philosophy and Culture: Always in Style
Katie Kresser begins her new series, focused on philosophy and culture, by analyzing the debate between Meyer Schapiro and Ernst Gombrich on style.
Why Do Catholics think Jesus is Actually In the Eucharist?
At the Last Supper, Jesus made it clear that He intended that the Eucharist be His real body and blood. Fr. Spitzer provides evidence from Jesus' words...
This Lourdes Miracle Led to the Conversion of Alexis Carrel
Discover the miracle from Lourdes that brought about the conversion of Nobel Prize-winning physician Dr. Alexis Carrel.
Epistemology and How We Come to Know
Epistemology is conventionally considered the theory of knowledge. Why should one study epistemology?
Purposeful Lab: The Four Levels of Purpose with Fr. Robert Spitzer
Discover how to find the four levels of purpose and happiness in the season one finale of Purposeful Lab featuring Fr. Robert Spitzer.
Five Catholic Poets and Their Poems to Inspire You
Poetry connects us to each other and can lead us to a deeper relationship with God. Here are some Catholic poets that exemplify the power of poetry.
Karin Öberg’s Spiritual and Professional Pursuit of Finding E.T.
Harvard Astrochemist Karin Öberg hopes we find extraterrestrial life for both professional and spiritual reaasons.
Purposeful Lab: Living Harmoniously with Nature: Insights from Aristotle with John Cuddeback
In this episode of Purposeful Lab, Dr. John Cuddeback speaks with Catherine Hadro about philosophy, aristotle, human flourishing, and living harmoniously with nature
Fr. Spitzer Featured in Robert Orlando's 'The Shroud: Face to Face'
Fr. Spitzer joins the prolific and diverse voices in Robert Orlando's newest, groundbreaking documentary 'The Shroud: Face to Face.'
Purposeful Lab on EWTN News Nightly
EWTN interview with Catherine Hadro and Dan Kuebler about Purposeful Lab podcast.