What is a Near Death Experience?
Discover the specific parameters and veridical data that scientists use to answer the question, 'what is a near-death experience?'
Suffering and God's Top Priority
Why doesn't God remove suffering from your life—despite your many pleas for relief? Fr. Spitzer explains God's top priorities in suffering and healing.
Trappist 1: James Webb Space Telescope's Mother-Daughter Team [VIDEO]
The Trappist 1 System is a planetary system that NASA’s mother-daughter team, Natalia and Natasha Batalha, will study. Watch this video to learn more.
Empathy, Conscience, and Prayer On the Road to Happiness
The road to happiness can be hard but we can find the best path by living for others. We do this with empathy, conscience, and prayer.
How to Share Our Call to the Transcendent in a Materialistic Culture
In our evergrowing materialistic culture, we must find ways to call upon the transcendent to find true fulfillment and happiness.
Can Philosophy Provide Evidence for God’s Existence?
This article demonstrates that philosophical reasoning can not only provide evidence for God's existence but can also illuminate some of God’s attributes.
Ten Life-Transforming Truths
Dive into ten transforming truths that stem from natural science, medicine, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, and the revelation of Jesus Christ.
The Fall and Original Sin
Before we can fully understand the concept of original sin, we must first understand the fall and our first parents.
What Draws Us to the Sacred? Mircea Eliade on Hierophany, Myths, and Homo Religiosus
Mircea Eliade found that religion originates from an experience of the sacred common to all. Also common are hierophany, myths, and homo religiosus.
The 3 Levels of Conversion: Moral Conversion
Moral conversion focuses on the consistent practice of the higher self’s triumph over the lower self. Learn more here!
Sinai as Interpretive Key to Genesis Part III: From Eden to the Temple
Dive into understanding the book of Genesis that we know today by looking at the Garden of Eden and the Tabernacle in the final installment of the series.
God, Science, and Creation
Almost two hours of in-depth reason and discourse by Fr. Spitzer on what science can tell us about God, science, and creation.