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Magis Center Blog

Magis Center8 min read

What is Conscience? Quotes from Immanuel Kant and John Henry Newman

Quotes from Immanuel Kant and John Henry Newman explain their arguments to answer the question, 'What is conscience?'
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Magis Center7 min read

Christian Revelation, Heaven, and Near Death Experiences

By looking at patients' accounts of the afterlife, we may be able to infer clues about the afterlife. What parallels can we draw between NDEs and heaven?
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Magis Center9 min read

Evidence for a Beginning of the Universe

If the Big Bang marks the universe's initial expansion, then could it be the beginning of the universe? Could this indicate a transcendent cause—a creator?
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Purposeful Universe2 min read

Building a Modern Human in 8 Million Years [VIDEO]

Beginning 6 to 7 million years ago, the lineages leading to modern humans and chimpanzees diverged. This video shows building a modern human via evolution.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.10 min read

Sir Isaac Newton and the Scientific ‘Reformation’

A fascinating look at Sir Isaac Newton's extraordinary life, faith, and scientific contributions.
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Sebastian Stanton5 min read

Positivism: The Philosophy Behind Modern Science

Positivism may be understood as a specific approach to any subject in which any hypothesis or assertion must be grounded in mathematical or logical proofs.
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Magis Center2 min read

Mircea Eliade: The Intuition of the Sacred

Mircea Eliade was a philosopher and historian of religion who elaborated one of the most comprehensive transcultural theories of the origin of religion.
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Magis Center8 min read

5 Historical Ways of Verifying Jesus’ Resurrection

Are there any ways of verifying Jesus’ resurrection? Exegetes like N.T. Wright and Gary Habermas have found 5 historical ways of proving the resurrection.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.6 min read

Why Are We So Obsessed with ChatGPT?

What Does the Fascination with ChatGPT Tell Us About Us?
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.4 min read

Of Dying Stars and Dying to Oneself

A Lenten article that looks at how the lessons from a dying star reveal that our dying affects our neighbors.
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Magis Center3 min read

The New Magis Institute for Clergy

The Spitzer Center for Visionary Leadership has officially merged with Magis Center, creating the Magis Institute for Clergy.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.5 min read

The Beam in Your Eye: Thinking Traps that Can Blind You

A discussion about thinking traps, how we can overcome them, and how they are a segue for us to become the best version of ourselves.
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