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Magis Center Blog

John Clark7 min read

The Trilemma Of C.S. Lewis, Part Four: Was Jesus Mentally Ill?

For the second component of the C.S. Lewis Trilema, John Clark utilizes the god delusion and examines accusations to answer 'was Jesus mentally ill?'
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.5 min read

The 'Just Right' Anthropic Coincidences of Our Goldilocks Universe: Part III

Dr. Kurland continues to discuss the 'just right' anthropic coincidences of our universe. In this installment, he examines the evidence provided by physics.
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Magis Center17 min read

The Definitive Guide to Near-Death Experiences

Here is everything you need to know about Near-Death Experiences: scientific perspective and what they can tell us about the human soul and the afterlife.
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Purposeful Universe1 min read

Nobel Prize Winner Links Human And Neanderthal DNA

Svante Pääbo won the Nobel prize in medicine for his research on human and Neanderthal DNA. But what does neanderthal DNA have to do with medicine?
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Katie Kresser, Ph.D.5 min read

Art for the Ages: Human Portraits and Dignity

In a culture obsessed with portraits, Dr. Kresser explores these human portraits as essential tools for recognizing the dignity of the human person.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.3 min read

Closer to Home: James Webb Telescope Images Look Into Our Solar System

New James Webb Telescope images reveal a deeper look into our solar system—further highlighting the intersection of science and scripture.
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Purposeful Universe1 min read

Cosmological Models [VIDEO]

In this video Dr. Karin Öberg offers an intriguing comparison between the Big Bang and previous cosmological models.
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Magis Center3 min read

The Shroud of Turin Inspires a Hyper-Realistic Body of Christ

The new exhibit entitled 'The Mystery Man' utilizes the history and scientific validation of the Shroud of Turin to create a realistic depiction of Jesus.
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Kevin Hottinger4 min read

Paul Davies: The Search For Biogenesis

Life’s origin is a great mystery of our universe. Paul Davies is one scientist that has devoted his life's work to searching for answers about biogenesis.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Should Scientists Ask Philosophical Questions? [VIDEO]

Can science answer everything? Some big questions in life require different perspectives — scientific, philosophical and theological.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.5 min read

Evidence for the Big Bang

Here we look at the Lemaitre/Hubble expansion, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, and even distribution of matter as evidence for the Big Bang.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.7 min read

The 'Just Right' Anthropic Coincidences of Our Goldilocks Universe: Part II

A further look into whether the anthropic coincidences are 'special' by examining astronomical and earth science evidence.
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