Art for the Ages: Michelangelo and Body Image
Continuing her journey of how art from the old masters can provide proof of the human soul, Dr. Kresser explores body image in the works of Michelangelo.
Searching for the Origin of Life [VIDEO]
Dr. Karin Öberg is searching for the origin of life in space, including how life began on Earth and how to search for life elsewhere in the universe.
Analysis of Lifespan by David Sinclair [VIDEOS]
David Sinclair has done groundbreaking research on aging cells and how to slow down aging processes. Dr. Dan Kuebler analyzes Lifespan by David Sinclair.
MIT Physicist and Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek Wins 2022 Templeton Prize
MIT Physicist and Nobel Laureate Frank Wilczek wins 2022 Templeton Prize
The Human Brain: What Happens When We Die? [VIDEO]
What happens when we die? Dan Kuebler explains brain activity at death, including brain waves after death and the science of near-death experiences.
Apologetics Books from Magis Center and Sophia Institute for Teachers
Magis Center has partnered with the Sophia Institute for Teachers to create high school and apologetics books on faith, science, and reason.
The Teacher and the Call to Catechize
In this article, we explain that all teachers are called to catechize and what it catechizing your students really looks like.
How Science Works, Part IV: What Science Can’t Do
This fourth installment discusses how science can answer the 'how' question but not the 'why' questions of ethics, beauty, faith, goodness, and truth.
Art for the Ages: How the Old Masters are Relevant Today
Katie Kresser embarks on a journey to explore how art from the old masters can provide proof of the human soul and show commonalities among human beings.
What Makes Humans Different From Other Animals? [VIDEO]
What makes humans different from other animals? There is a very clear distinction between humans and other animals when it comes to intelligence.
Telescopes Looking Back in Time and Into the Future of Astronomy [VIDEO]
With James Webb and other telescopes looking back in time, astronomers are learning about the universe's origin and if life could exist on other planets.
Consciousness: A Subjective Capacity That Produces Objective States
Consciousness may refer to the brain’s most adaptive property: its capacity to produce objective states.