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Magis Center Blog

Magis Center2 min read

Father Spitzer to Speak at RECongress 2022

Listen to Father Spitzer speak on Contemporary Catholic Moral Apologetics at RECongress 2022. Here's and how to attend virtually.
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Dr. Dan Kuebler< 1 min read

How Do COVID Vaccines Work? [VIDEO]

How do COVID Vaccines work? Dr. Dan Kuebler breaks down the science of the currently available Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.8 min read

How Science Works, Part II—How We Believe: Rational Inquiry

The second of a series on how science works and the limits of science focusing on the different methods by which we come to believe by reason.
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Dr. Dan Kuebler2 min read

Evolutionary Psychology Examples and More With Dr. Dan Kuebler [VIDEO]

Dr. Kuebler shares evolutionary psychology examples, his views on bias in science, and his personal interest in philosophy that led him his biology career.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Do Objectivity and Bias Have a Place in Science?

Dr. Dan Kuebler discusses the relationship between objectivity and bias in science. In moments of discovery, how do scientists' egos and bias affect the outcome?
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Evolutionary Theories — Human Diet and Monogamy [VIDEO]

How has evolution affected our psychology? Do evolutionary theories suggest that we are more inclined to polygamous relationships?
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.6 min read

How Science Works, Part I: How We Believe—Faith and Revelation

This is the first of a series on how science works and the limits of science: things we believe by faith.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.8 min read

Belief and the Brain, Part 2: The Neurology of Transcendence

What can science tell us about the claims of mystics of experiencing contact with God, a non-material reality? What is the neurology of transcendence?
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

How Do We Know The Age of The Universe? [VIDEO]

Scientists know that the universe is about 13.8 billion years old. But how do they know this?
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Magis Center1 min read

Credible Catholic Launches in Irish Catholic Schools

Bishop Brendan Leahy, Chair of the Bishops' Council for Catechetics, launches Credible Catholic for Catholic Voluntary Secondary schools in Ireland.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Dr. Kuebler's Search for Answers to the Big Questions [VIDEO]

Big questions, such as what is the purpose of life, still drives Dr. Dan Kuebler's quest to understand how the world works through science.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Physics Girl: How the Edge of Our Galaxy Defies Known Physics [VIDEO]

Physics Girl explains how the edge of our galaxy and dark matter defy known physics.
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