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Magis Center Blog

Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.3 min read

The God Delusion: Belief and the Brain

An analysis of the human brain and a quest to discover if there is a scientific basis for the continued belief in the spiritual and sacred.
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John Clark7 min read

The Reluctance Of Males To Become Men: Failure to Launch

John Clark discusses the male reluctance to become men by analyzing Failure to Launch syndrome and arguing for perfect happiness as the answer.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.4 min read

Progress in the Search for Habitable Exoplanets

Are there habitable exoplanets? In 2001, the first exoplanet inside a habitable zone was discovered. What are the most recent developments in this search?
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.3 min read

Belief and the Brain Part 1: Is the Human Mind Unique?

Modern neurobiological investigations seek to understand the human brain and explore whether there is a scientific basis for our belief in the spiritual.
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Purposeful Universe1 min read

How a Blind Astronomer, Wanda Diaz Merced, Found a Way to Hear Stars

When astronomer Wanda Diaz Merced lost her vision, she had the realization that visual scientific data could be translated into sound.
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Dr. Dan Kuebler< 1 min read

Tribalism Making a Comeback? In-Group Bias in Evolutionary Psychology

Tribalism and group bias may be hardwired into our psychology. Listen to Dr. Dan Kuebler on what this may mean for how we treat fellow human beings.
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Magis Center1 min read

Introducing The Transcendence After America Project ©

Dr. Matthew Tsakanikas's project is meant to contribute to the renewal of post-2021 America and help seed authentic religious freedom.
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Guest Writer3 min read

Toxic Globalization and The Catholic Framework for Economic Life

Faith in the era of Pandemic, Failed Governance, Economic Reset, and Worldwide Chaos.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

NASA | Massive Black Hole Shreds Passing Star [VIDEO]

"Tidal Disruptions" are the name for what happens when a star gets too close to a massive black hole, and is ultimately ripped apart.
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Katie Kresser, Ph.D.5 min read

Advent Meditation IV: Tender

For her final advent meditation, Prof. Katie Kresser examines Fra Angelico’s Nativity and invites us all to be tender during this season.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Where do the Laws of Physics Come From? — Dr. Paul Davies [VIDEO]

The eloquent Paul Davies, Ph.D., has been fascinated by the questions at the depths of science. Could the universe have been different?
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Katie Kresser, Ph.D.3 min read

Advent Meditation III: Like Calls to Like

In this third installment, Prof. Katie Kresser examines The Visitation and encourages us to search for a deeper kind of visitation this season.
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