Advent Meditation II: The Lady Listens
The rumors of Emmanuel became true when a divine messenger approached Mary. The Annunciation image is one of the most popular images in the history of art.
What Can Cosmic Dust Tell Us About Our Solar System?
Cosmic dust includes comet dust, asteroidal dust, dust from the Kuiper belt, and interstellar dust passing through our galaxy.
Hubble Science Nebula Video: Starbirth Nebulae, Cosmic Cradles
In this NASA Nebula video, the Hubble telescope’s beautiful images of nebulae are created by the radiation of newly formed stars on surrounding gasses.
Advent Meditation I: St. Hildegard and the Cyclical Song of Angels
Prof. Kresser discusses Advent as a real process of rebirth and transportation in which we can all participate if we open our spirits like St. Hildegard.
Proteins, Amino Acids, and Evolution [VIDEO]
Proteins, amino acids, and evolution are fundamental to the structure of organisms. In a way, poteins demonstrate the existence of order in our world.
Extraterrestrial Life Part III: A God of Gaps
Dr. Kurland concludes his 'Extraterrestrial Life' series with his thoughts on the SCS 2021 Conference and his argument that we are His sole creation.
Dr. Stephen Barr — The Multiverse
In this video, Dr. Stephen Barr provides some parameters to help understand ideas behind the possibility of a multiverse.
The Camera-like Eye and Evolution [VIDEO]
In this video Dr. Dan Kuebler describes how the camera-like eye, present in a variety of animal species (including humans), is an example of "convergence".
Why Does Evolution Work at All? [VIDEO]
Why does evolution work? Dr. Dan Kuebler says that without the order of the subatomic particles, molecules, cells, evolution doesn't get off the ground.
Aesthetics and Spirituality Conclusion: Rome as Case Study
To conclude her series, Katie Kresser explores Rome, Italy as the convergence of global aesthetic responses to shared spiritual impulses.
The Desperate Necessity Of Time Travel
To fight against the hedonistic and atheistic culture we need to travel through time and walk through the libraries of yesteryear.
How Did Life Begin on Earth?
How Did Life Begin on Earth some 3.6 billion years go? This is called abiogenesis.