Fr. Angelo Secchi: Priest and the Father of Astrophysics
Fr. Angelo Secchi, SJ a pioneer in the field of astrophysics. He wrote that 'even scientific intelligence is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.'
Nikolas Steno: Father of Modern Geology
Blessed Nikolas Steno was not only the father of modern geology, but also a faithful Catholic. His love of science only enhanced his belief in God.
Vatican Observatory Launches New Website, Podcast, and Online Shop
The Vatican Observatory has just launched a brand new website, podcast, and online store. Here are the links!
Listen to These 2 Podcasts Featuring Fr. Spitzer and His Latest Book
In case you missed it Father Spitzer provided a great overview of his new book, Escape From Evil’s Darkness on the Drew Mariani Show. He also recently spoke with Katie McGrady on her show about why ...
Everything Hinges on the Tomb Door
If the Resurrection did actually happen, that event must be viewed as the most important event in human history. There’s really no middle ground here.
Shroud of Turin: Available for Veneration Via Livestream
The Archdiocese of Turin livestreamed a veneration of the Shroud of Turin. Turin Archbishop organized the livestream in response to thousands of requests.
Pornography: A Frightful Rejection of the Human Face
In our own day and age, we might observe that pornography is winter; it chases sunshine from the human face. In fact, it chases away the human face itself.
Cosmology Before and After einstein's theory of gravitation [Video]
In 1915, Einstein's theory of gravitation was developed. It was able to generate descriptions of entire universes.
Now Available: Vol. 2 of Fr. Spitzer's 'Called Out of Darkness' Trilogy
Ignatius Press has just released Fr. Spitzer's new book, 'Escape From Evil's Darkness.' This is the second in Spitzer's 'Called Out of Darkness' trilogy.
Fingerprints: From Crime Scenes to Fighting Disease
Fingerprints are often used to solve crimes, but DNA sequencing (from the Human Genome Project) provides other promising benefits: fighting diseases.
Listen to Fr. Robert Spitzer's Vocation Story in This New Podcast
Fr. William Watson, S.J. of Sacred Story Institute interviewed Fr. Robert Spitzer of the Society of Jesus to discuss Spitzer's vocation to the priesthood.
Fr. Georges Lemaitre, ‘Father’ of the Big Bang Theory
“The whole matter of the world must have been present at the beginning, but the story it has to tell may be written step by step.” —Fr. Georges Lemaitre