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Magis Center Blog

Magis Center1 min read

Why We Need Religion

In this clip from Father Spitzer's Universe, a viewer asks Father Spitzer why we need religion and not just belief in God.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.6 min read

Dr. Jerome Lejeune: Holiness and the Genetics of Disease

On January 21, 2021, the Vatican announced that Dr. Jerome Lejeune’s cause for canonization has moved forward, declaring him venerable.
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John Clark4 min read

What Friendship Has Taught Me about Redemptive Suffering

I can assist friends in attaining eternal life by uniting my suffering to the redemptive suffering of Christ—this is the mystery of redemptive suffering.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.5 min read

Atheism and Religion: Stephen Hawking and the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

In 1968, Pope Paul VI appointed Stephen Hawking, a brilliant theoretical physicist, and atheist to the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.
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Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.1 min read

Contemporary Eucharistic Miracles [Spitzer Scholarly Article]

There are three major contemporary eucharistic miracles that have been scientifically examined and found to be without natural or physical explanation.
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John Clark4 min read

Searching for the Christmas Star and Finding the Magi

Every year at Christmas, when people read about the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, the speculation and debate about the Christmas star continues.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.5 min read

Science: God’s Gift to Man

What does God intend when he gives us gifts? He means to give us joy, make us better, and glorify him. Science is one such gift from God.
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Christopher Graney12 min read

From the Vatican Observatory: Commentary on ‘Cosmos: Possible Worlds’

Neil deGrasse Tyson’s Cosmos: Possible Worlds is on TV this fall. I'm a big Cosmos fan. But of course, the show could always be better—maybe a lot better.
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Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.2 min read

Mary’s Faith: A Christmas Message from Fr. Spitzer

Dear Friends, I want to wish you a blessed and merry Christmas in 2020 and share a message about trusting in God.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.3 min read

Advent Season: What Are We Waiting For?

Waiting and watching is a characteristic of the Christian. However, Advent feels like a whirlwind of distractions rather than a time to prepare for Christ!
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Fr. Robert Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D.< 1 min read

How to Start A Catholic Spiritual Life

To pursue a life in Jesus Christ, it will be necessary to make a commitment to the Lord to participate in the sacraments, the moral life, and prayer.
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John Clark5 min read

What Novels Can Teach Us About Evangelization

After years of producing apologetics, I recently learned something new about evangelizing others. It has to do with POV, or point-of-view.
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