Can Anything Separate Us From God's Mercy?
If souls cannot be separated from the love of God, how then might any go to hell? Fr. Spitzer explains that one thing can separate us from God.
The Amazing Story of Maximilian Kolbe (and Why it Matters Now, More Than Ever)
In a world twisted with racism, hatred and religious persecution, the life—and death—of Maximilian Kolbe provides answers to those wishing to resist evil.
What Is Time? Part VI: Why God Created Time
In this sixth article of the series “What is Time,” we discuss the timelessness of God and why God created time to allow for free will and moral choice.
A Risk Worth Taking
Some risks are worth taking. Even more importantly, the risks that we decide to take—as well as those we decide not to take—serve to define who we are.
New Video Campaign Explores the Impressive Level of Order in the Universe—and the Purpose That it Implies
The Magis Center’s new John Templeton funded campaign, The Purposeful Universe, looks at an evolutionary system guided by order in physics and chemistry.
A Must-Read for Those Interested in Christian Worldview
A Must-Read for Those Interested in Christian Worldview
When a Society Abandons Truth
John Clark discusses the societal similarities of today to pre-war Germany: a breakdown of community and society, as well as, rejection of the common good.
The Value of Science in the Age of CRISPR
Among advances in medicine and technology is the capability of “gene editing” via a technique known as CRISPR; bu what are the bioethical considerations?
The Truth. How do we know it when we see it?
Two blog posts cannot exhaust the complex issues of how the human mind “knows” and how we make judgments about what is “true.”
St. Augustine: Patron Saint of Geeks?
As a science and math geek, I need a patron saint. I choose St. Augustine of Hippo, whose insights into science and math were centuries ahead of his time.
Should You Trust Your Intuitions in Prayer?
Sometimes in prayer, we’ll have an intuition that something is wrong. But how much should our own intuitions play a role in discernment?
The Awareness of a Cosmic Struggle Between Good & Evil (Indication of the Interior Sense of God: #3)
For centuries, cultures throughout the world have written myths about a cosmic struggle between good and evil – and the importance of a hero or heroine who finds themselves drawn into the struggle.