The Awareness of a Cosmic Struggle Between Good & Evil (Indication of the Interior Sense of God: #3)
For centuries, cultures throughout the world have written myths about a cosmic struggle between good and evil – and the importance of a hero or heroine who finds themselves drawn into the struggle.
Do We Need Suffering and What Is Its Purpose?
In suffering, we can all agree on one point—we don't like it. But do we need suffering? What good can it bring? Find out in this short video.
Perseverance, Ingenuity, and the Mission to Mars
Last month, NASA launched Perseverance, NASA’s newest addition to the robotic Mars Exploration program, with Ingenuity Mar’s Helicopter attached to it.
Prayer for Interior Transformation: the Examen
In this episode of Father Spitzer’s Universe, Fr. Spitzer proposes that those seeking interior transformation should turn to the Examen Prayer.
Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin: Two Men and a Theory
Scientists Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel were contemporaries. Mendel certainly knew of Charles Darwin, but did Darwin ignore Gregor Mendel's work?
The Metaphysics of JFK
Many people who leave the Catholic Church pride themselves on the use of reason. But on the level of reason, when did the metaphysics stop being true?
John Lennox: 'Exposing My Faith to Questioning Has Only Made it Stronger'
In the video below, Professor John Lennox shares that he found exposing his faith in God to questioning from others has only made it stronger.
What is Time? Part V: Quantum Time
This is the fifth in a series of articles addressing the question “What is time?” Here I’ll examine how time in quantum mechanics is strange.
Gregor Mendel: Priest, Teacher, Abbot, and Avid Beekeeper
Known as the "father of genetics," Gregor Mendel was also a priest, teacher, and abbot, raised bees, recorded meteorological data, and tracked sunspots!
Is Free Will an Illusion?
If we're hardwired to respond to situations in a particular way, should we despair of ever being able to change? This brings up the question of free will.
What is Time? Part IV: Relativity and Time
In this piece, I’ll explain why relativity changes our view of time from an absolute dimension to one that depends on how we’re moving and where we are.
Getting Back in the Habit of Mass
We cradle Catholics must establish a habit for ourselves that was first established by others for us: the habit of going to Mass.