Made in His Image: the Social Synapse and the Neurobiology of Connection
The data is in: we are hardwired for connection and social interactions. Not a surprise—for God is a community of love, and we are made in His image.
Covid-19 Vaccines: Availability and Ethics
On a recent episode of Father Spitzer’s Universe, Father discussed Covid-19 vaccines and the ethics of using embryonic stem cells from aborted babies.
New Insights on the Rise of the ‘Nones’
The United States is increasing in “Nones,” i.e, those who claim no religious affiliation. But who are the Nones, and what compels them to leave the Church?
Made in God’s Image; or Are We?
Should the idea of our being “made in the image of God” should be set aside since it has been disproved by science? Dr. Marie George answers.
Happiness and the Jordan Peterson Factor
Jordan Peterson’s desire for self-empowering disciplines to replace sloppy secularism can launch us beyond ego comparison—where so many people are trapped.
Success and Happiness: Are They the Same?
Discover why our culture is so obsessed with success and power and learn if Level 2 happiness and worldly success can lead to true happiness.
Challenging Heliocentrism: The 'Great Debate' of 1920
At the turn of the last century, a little remembered but dramatic debate took place between prominent astronomers Harlow Shapely and Heber Curtis.
Leader of the Human Genome Project Receives 2020 Templeton Prize
This year's Templeton Prize was awarded to the scientist who led Human Genome Project and whose work testifies to the haromony between faith and science.
What is Time? Part III—Entropy, Time’s Arrow
This post discusses entropy—how change from order to disorder is measured as an increase in entropy and thus, how entropy is shown as "the arrow of time."
St. John Paul II on the 100th Anniversary of His Birth
Today, May 18, would have been St. John Paul the Great’s 100th birthday. The tributes and memories shared around the world are many and heartfelt!
Hidden Figures in the Story of DNA
If someone asked you who discovered DNA, what answer would you give? The correct answer: all of the above contributed in some way—and many others!
Solidarity and Social Distancing
We’re all in this together. This saying serves as a perfectly workable definition of the Catholic social doctrine principle of solidarity—and subsidiarity.