Did Einstein Believe in God? Find Out from His Letters and Quotes
Did Einstein believe in God? His view of God is a tangle, partly because his words are often taken out of the multiple contexts in which he spoke about God.
Heartwarming Video Thanks Covid-19 Health Care Workers
Musical artist Marie Miller, daughter of Magis Executive Director Joe Miller, produced a heartwarming slide show tribute to the covid-19 medical personnel.
Easter and the Science of Hope
After I talk on science and faith, the most asked questions touch on the issue of natural evil and the possibility of miracles. Both painfully topical.
What is Time? Part II—How We Perceive Time
In this second article on the series of how we perceive time, we focus on three perceptions: St. Augustine of Hippo, William James, and Oliver Sacks.
[Video] The Body of Christ After the Resurrection
Was Christ subject to any physical laws after the resurrection? In the video below, Father Robert Spitzer explains.
The Secret to Surviving Covid-19 and Beyond: Adaptability
This crisis has given us at least one great gift: time. So what are you doing with this gift? Are you just surviving or are you trying to thrive?
Why the Cross?
Rejected, despised, mocked. His life as a ransom for many. Have you ever looked upon the Crucified Jesus and just asked, “Why?”
Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen to Good People?
John Clark discusses suffering and why it is not the cause to not believe in God, but rather, a reason to.
Coping and Thriving in the Covid-19 Crisis
With social distancing and self-quarantines, it's challenging not to succumb to depression and a sense of helplessness. Everett Worthington points to hope.
A Message from Fr. Spitzer Regarding Recent Covid-19 Developments
Much has transpired since my last message on the feast day of St. Joseph—just 13 days ago. The number of people infected in the USA has risen significantly.
Einstein, Science, and Religion: Was the Great Scientist Religious?
Why do people care what Einstein thought about religion and God? Are we looking for his help in mysteries like “Does God exist?” and “Do we need religion?”
What is Time? Part I—Philosophy
What is time? Philosophers have tried to explain it since antiquity. I’ll begin with what the ancient Greeks, Parmenides and Heraclitus, had to say.