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Magis Center Blog

Magis Center1 min read

A Message from Fr. Spitzer - Trust in St. Joseph

I realize that to one extent or another all of you have been affected by the Covid-19 virus; I am praying and offering masses for your needs.
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John Clark3 min read

How Wonderful is Wonder?

It must be hard to live a life of metaphysical certitude about everything. Certainty leaves no room for wonder. And that’s sad. Because wonder is wonderful.
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Guest Writer3 min read

Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi: How We Pray is How We Believe

Our Lord’s teaching not to babble may seem at first perplexing—as we know prayer is affected by the use of words and almost by nature is highly repetitive.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.5 min read

Saint Augustine of Hippo: A Theologian for Our Time

St. Augustine's wonderings about the nature of time fit with contemporary scientific theories—and are altogether in accord with our present-day confusion.
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John Clark5 min read

God and the Vanguard of Atheism

In discussions with atheists, I've been accused of seeing everything in a way that supports my position that God exists—a relatively kind accusation compared to some well-renowned atheists.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.4 min read

The Human Brain: A Primer

The human brain is the most complex organ in existence. It is a largely uncharted frontier for scientists. And it is not like a computer.
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Guest Writer14 min read

Astronomy, God, and the Search for Elegance

Do faith and science operate in separate realms? Guy Consolmagno SJ, explores the place that faith has in science—simply because scientists are people.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.4 min read

The End of Spitzer’s Mission (the telescope) and Other Space News

The last week of January was a historic week for space news, including the end of Spitzer’s Mission and an incredible picture of the sun.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.5 min read

Are Animals Just Like Us?

New studies on animal learning, language, and the use of tools have created a number of articles implying “animals are just like us.” But how true is this?
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.3 min read

New Ebook Discusses How to Navigate the Weirdness of a Quantum Universe

In his most recent ebook, “Mysteries: Quantum and Theological," Dr. Kurland provides a 60 page overview covering the math underlying the physics of the Newtonian world, a brief history of the emergenc
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Magis Center< 1 min read

Wednesday on the World: What's So Special About The Catholic Church?

What does the Catholic Church have to satisfy our longings? In this week’s Wednesday on the World, Fr. Spitzer discusses four aspects unique to the Church.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.6 min read

Mathematics: The Language God Speaks

This post proposes to answer the question "Is God a Mathematician?" and comment on arguments by physicists and philosophers that reality is mathematics.
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