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Magis Center Blog

Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.6 min read

Faith as a Scientist and Faith as a Catholic

Science has its limits and its power. Those who have worked in science know that faith is an essential element and a cornerstone of the scientific method.
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Magis Center< 1 min read

Wednesday on the World: More Ego-Comparison, More Depression

Father Spitzer comments further on the decline in religious participation and introduces the rise of ego-comparative identity.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.4 min read

David Levy: Amateur Comet Hunter Extraordinaire

David H. Levy’s bio on the Vatican Observatory website declares that he is “one of the most successful comet discoverers in history.”
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Bill Schmitt4 min read

An Elevator for Levels of Happiness: More to Say than Small Talk

Today’s culture appreciates minor chit-chat in elevators—without fully embracing the call to raise society’s real happiness to higher levels.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.3 min read

Intellectual Humility in a World of Extremes

We are living in a world of extremes. The cure? Intellectual humility, or “the ability to admit that one might be wrong or at least lack full knowledge.”
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.5 min read

Men on Mars? Updates from the Red Planet

Mars, visible just before sunrise from October to December, has been in the news regularly. In fact, there are 8 spacecrafts studying the red planet!
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Magis Center< 1 min read

Christendom College Transcribes Fr. Spitzer's Graduation Commencement

College president and staff were so impressed with Father’s 2019 graduation commencement address that they transcribed it for their "Principles" audience.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.6 min read

God, Symmetry, and Beauty in Science: A Personal Perspective

What are the requirements for a beautiful theory? The beauty is displayed in the mathematics of the theory, in the equations that relate it to the world.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.6 min read

3 Famous, Self-Educated Scientists: Croll, Davy, and Faraday

We may assume that all scientists are products of formal education; though James Croll, Humphrey Davy, and Michael Faraday prove this isn't always the case.
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John Clark4 min read

Overcoming Scrupulosity With Intellectual Conversion

Intellectual conversion is necessary not only to see the innocence in others, but sometimes, in ourselves, namely in the struggle with scrupulosity.
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Magis Center< 1 min read

Wednesday on the World: John Henry Newman is Declared a Saint

Wednesday on the World: John Henry Newman is Declared a Saint
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Magis Center< 1 min read

New Series Featuring Fr. Spitzer: 'Wednesday on the World'

New Series Featuring Fr. Spitzer: 'Wednesday on the World'
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