Purposeful Lab: Edith Stein on Art, Philosophy, and Sainthood
Genevieve Buono, currently writing her dissertation on Edith Stein's aesthetics, discusses Stein's views on art, philosophy and her path to sainthood.
We Seek Authenticity, But Be Careful Defining What’s Real
The 2023 Word of the Year—authenticity—holds timeless lessons on integrity, inspires conversation about truth, and encourages seeking God.
The Eucharistic Miracle Pope Francis Witnessed in Buenos Aires
The scientific validation and possible frauds associated with the Pope Francis Eucharistic miracle that occurred in Buenos Aires.
Happiness and Technology: Level 1 and the Growth of Technology
Learn how the growth of technology can keep us in our Level 1 Happiness as we look at hunting/fishing and new machines.
Purposeful Lab: Why Do We Need Art?
Why do we need art? And what does art reveal about human nature? Dr. Katie Kresser discusses these questions on Purposeful Lab Podcast.
Where Did God Come From? Did God Come From Nothing?
Fr. Spitzer answers two questions: where did God come from and did God come from nothing?
Does Quantum Mechanics Speak to Theology?
A fresh approach to interpreting quantum mechanics based on Aristotelian/Thomistic metaphysics.
Happiness and Technology: A Series
An introduction to a new series that discusses Fr. Spitzer's 4 Levels of Happiness and Technology.
Purposeful Lab: 10 Rules for Saving Our Society
Fr. Robert Spitzer discusses 10 rules for saving our society from his book "Ten Universal Principles: A Brief Philosophy of Life Issues."
Solar Science in the News
Two spacecrafts are part of NASA’s Living With a Star program (LWS). These missions collect data that will increase our understanding of solar weather.
Four Levels of Happiness and Lenten Examination of Conscience
Fr. Spitzer's Four Levels of Happiness are a great aid in our examination of consciousness. Learn how they apply to Lent here.
Purposeful Lab: How to Unleash Your Mind’s Full Potential
Dr. Jeanne Zehr of the MINDCAP Center for Cognitive Advantage joins Purposeful Lab Podcast to discuss how to unleash your mind's full potential.