Happiness and Technology: A Series
An introduction to a new series that discusses Fr. Spitzer's 4 Levels of Happiness and Technology.
Purposeful Lab: 10 Rules for Saving Our Society
Fr. Robert Spitzer discusses 10 rules for saving our society from his book "Ten Universal Principles: A Brief Philosophy of Life Issues."
Solar Science in the News
Two spacecrafts are part of NASA’s Living With a Star program (LWS). These missions collect data that will increase our understanding of solar weather.
Four Levels of Happiness and Lenten Examination of Conscience
Fr. Spitzer's Four Levels of Happiness are a great aid in our examination of consciousness. Learn how they apply to Lent here.
Purposeful Lab: How to Unleash Your Mind’s Full Potential
Dr. Jeanne Zehr of the MINDCAP Center for Cognitive Advantage joins Purposeful Lab Podcast to discuss how to unleash your mind's full potential.
A Palm Sunday Prayer
Enjoy this Palm Sunday prayer from Fr. Spitzer.
5 Reasons Why Jesus’s Miracles Were Unique for Their Time
Discover five reasons Jesus's miracles were unique and their difference from the presentation of miracles in Hellenistic writings.
Purposeful Lab: Personalism, The Philosophy We Need Today
Dan Kuebler interviews philosopher Dr. John F. Crosby on the field of personalism, a philosophy that highlights the importance of the human person.
Lenten Prayer: An Act of Unrestricted Love
This Fr. Spitzer prayer inspires us to see the unrestricted love in Jesus' sacrifice and to view our crosses in a different light.
Square and Circle: Deep Structures in Christian Art
An exploration of the symbolism in Christian art of both the Crucifixion and the Resurrection.
Purposeful Lab: Your Immortal Soul
James Brent, O.P. discusses the immortal soul on Purposeful Lab podcast. Fr. James speaks about what the soul is, why the human soul is unique, and more.
Lenten Prayer: Ignite a Flame in Our Hearts
Read this Fr. Spitzer prayer to help inspire you to find ways to follow him and to transform yourself through Him.