What Makes Humans Different From Other Animals? [VIDEO]
What makes humans different from other animals? There is a very clear distinction between humans and other animals when it comes to intelligence.
The Role of Randomness and De Novo Mutations in Evolution
An analysis of de novo mutations in two populations point to a role for non-random mutations in evolution.
Evolutionary Psychology Examples and More With Dr. Dan Kuebler [VIDEO]
Dr. Kuebler shares evolutionary psychology examples, his views on bias in science, and his personal interest in philosophy that led him his biology career.
Evolutionary Theories — Human Diet and Monogamy [VIDEO]
How has evolution affected our psychology? Do evolutionary theories suggest that we are more inclined to polygamous relationships?
Tribalism Making a Comeback? In-Group Bias in Evolutionary Psychology
Tribalism and group bias may be hardwired into our psychology. Listen to Dr. Dan Kuebler on what this may mean for how we treat fellow human beings.
Proteins, Amino Acids, and Evolution [VIDEO]
Proteins, amino acids, and evolution are fundamental to the structure of organisms. In a way, poteins demonstrate the existence of order in our world.
The Camera-like Eye and Evolution [VIDEO]
In this video Dr. Dan Kuebler describes how the camera-like eye, present in a variety of animal species (including humans), is an example of "convergence".
How Did Life Begin on Earth?
How Did Life Begin on Earth some 3.6 billion years go? This is called abiogenesis.
Order, Chance, and Design in Evolution
Does biological evolution depend on chance, order, or a combination of both? In this article, Dr. Kuebler explores: Why God and evolution are not mutually exclusive. What would have happened if the ...