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Magis Center Blog

Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

How Do We Know The Age of The Universe? [VIDEO]

Scientists know that the universe is about 13.8 billion years old. But how do they know this?
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Physics Girl: How the Edge of Our Galaxy Defies Known Physics [VIDEO]

Physics Girl explains how the edge of our galaxy and dark matter defy known physics.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.4 min read

Progress in the Search for Habitable Exoplanets

Are there habitable exoplanets? In 2001, the first exoplanet inside a habitable zone was discovered. What are the most recent developments in this search?
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Purposeful Universe1 min read

How a Blind Astronomer, Wanda Diaz Merced, Found a Way to Hear Stars

When astronomer Wanda Diaz Merced lost her vision, she had the realization that visual scientific data could be translated into sound.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

NASA | Massive Black Hole Shreds Passing Star [VIDEO]

"Tidal Disruptions" are the name for what happens when a star gets too close to a massive black hole, and is ultimately ripped apart.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

What Can Cosmic Dust Tell Us About Our Solar System?

Cosmic dust includes comet dust, asteroidal dust, dust from the Kuiper belt, and interstellar dust passing through our galaxy.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Hubble Science Nebula Video: Starbirth Nebulae, Cosmic Cradles

In this NASA Nebula video, the Hubble telescope’s beautiful images of nebulae are created by the radiation of newly formed stars on surrounding gasses.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Dr. Stephen Barr — The Multiverse

In this video, Dr. Stephen Barr provides some parameters to help understand ideas behind the possibility of a multiverse.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.5 min read

Habitable Worlds and the Origin of Water

The Öberg Astrochemistry Group uses observations to address how molecules form and how their evolution may be associated with the origins of life.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.6 min read

Dr. Vera Rubin and Why Dark Matter Matters

Because of Dr. Vera Rubin, dark matter became a household term in the 1980’s, but we still aren’t sure what it is or even if it really exists.
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Purposeful Universe1 min read

Dr. Michio Kaku – Goldilocks Theory [VIDEO]

Dr. Michio Kaku discusses the Goldilocks Theory and many conditions in the universe that must be just right to make for life and intelligent beings.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Dr. Michio Kaku String Theory and Cosmic Music [Video]

In this 4-minute video clip Dr. Michio Kaku discusses the affect that Einstein’s attempt at discovering a unified theory of everything had on his life, how that led him into String Theory, and how ...
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