Where Did God Come From? Did God Come From Nothing?
Fr. Spitzer answers two questions: where did God come from and did God come from nothing?
How Science, Reason, and Faith Can Help Us Discover the Bible
Father Spitzer's most recent release equips readers with the tools needed to truly discover the Bible. Read a review here!
Are All Religions the Same?
Fr. Spitzer is asked are all religions the same—specifically Christian religions. Learn what differentiates Catholicism from other religions.
Fr. Spitzer Discusses Science and the Evidence for God
At the World on Fire Conference 2023, Fr. Spitzer gave a talk discussing the scientific evidence for God. Here are some of his talking points.
Can Philosophy Provide Evidence for God’s Existence?
This article demonstrates that philosophical reasoning can not only provide evidence for God's existence but can also illuminate some of God’s attributes.
What Draws Us to the Sacred? Mircea Eliade on Hierophany, Myths, and Homo Religiosus
Mircea Eliade found that religion originates from an experience of the sacred common to all. Also common are hierophany, myths, and homo religiosus.
God, Science, and Creation
Almost two hours of in-depth reason and discourse by Fr. Spitzer on what science can tell us about God, science, and creation.
What is Conscience? Quotes from Immanuel Kant and John Henry Newman
Quotes from Immanuel Kant and John Henry Newman explain their arguments to answer the question, 'What is conscience?'
Evidence for a Beginning of the Universe
If the Big Bang marks the universe's initial expansion, then could it be the beginning of the universe? Could this indicate a transcendent cause—a creator?
Mircea Eliade: The Intuition of the Sacred
Mircea Eliade was a philosopher and historian of religion who elaborated one of the most comprehensive transcultural theories of the origin of religion.
5 Historical Ways of Verifying Jesus’ Resurrection
Are there any ways of verifying Jesus’ resurrection? Exegetes like N.T. Wright and Gary Habermas have found 5 historical ways of proving the resurrection.
The Purpose of a Myth: Insights from J.R.R. Tolkien and Mircea Eliade
What is the purpose of a myth? They have 2 functions: to give strength through a connection with transcendent reality and to present a paradigm for action.