John Lennox: 'Exposing My Faith to Questioning Has Only Made it Stronger'
In the video below, Professor John Lennox shares that he found exposing his faith in God to questioning from others has only made it stronger.
Made in God’s Image; or Are We?
Should the idea of our being “made in the image of God” should be set aside since it has been disproved by science? Dr. Marie George answers.
Leader of the Human Genome Project Receives 2020 Templeton Prize
This year's Templeton Prize was awarded to the scientist who led Human Genome Project and whose work testifies to the haromony between faith and science.
Hidden Figures in the Story of DNA
If someone asked you who discovered DNA, what answer would you give? The correct answer: all of the above contributed in some way—and many others!
Did Einstein Believe in God? Find Out from His Letters and Quotes
Did Einstein believe in God? His view of God is a tangle, partly because his words are often taken out of the multiple contexts in which he spoke about God.
Einstein, Science, and Religion: Was the Great Scientist Religious?
Why do people care what Einstein thought about religion and God? Are we looking for his help in mysteries like “Does God exist?” and “Do we need religion?”
Saint Augustine of Hippo: A Theologian for Our Time
St. Augustine's wonderings about the nature of time fit with contemporary scientific theories—and are altogether in accord with our present-day confusion.
God and the Vanguard of Atheism
In discussions with atheists, I've been accused of seeing everything in a way that supports my position that God exists—a relatively kind accusation compared to some well-renowned atheists.
The Human Brain: A Primer
The human brain is the most complex organ in existence. It is a largely uncharted frontier for scientists. And it is not like a computer.
Astronomy, God, and the Search for Elegance
Do faith and science operate in separate realms? Guy Consolmagno SJ, explores the place that faith has in science—simply because scientists are people.
New Ebook Discusses How to Navigate the Weirdness of a Quantum Universe
In his most recent ebook, “Mysteries: Quantum and Theological," Dr. Kurland provides a 60 page overview covering the math underlying the physics of the Newtonian world, a brief history of the emergenc
Wednesday on the World: What's So Special About The Catholic Church?
What does the Catholic Church have to satisfy our longings? In this week’s Wednesday on the World, Fr. Spitzer discusses four aspects unique to the Church.