Empathy, Conscience, and Prayer On the Road to Happiness
The road to happiness can be hard but we can find the best path by living for others. We do this with empathy, conscience, and prayer.
Ten Life-Transforming Truths
Dive into ten transforming truths that stem from natural science, medicine, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, and the revelation of Jesus Christ.
The Beam in Your Eye: Thinking Traps that Can Blind You
A discussion about thinking traps, how we can overcome them, and how they are a segue for us to become the best version of ourselves.
Overcoming Loneliness, Isolation, and Failed Relationships
Take a look at the numbers for marriages and divorces and then see how love is the answer to overcoming loneliness.
Almsgiving: in the Bible, as Justice, and Everyday
Almsgiving is the act of giving our abundance to others—it is an act we should carry out daily and see as a means of justice.
Positive Emotions and the Virtuous Life
Using psychology, this article examines why we have positive emotions and what role they play in developing a virtuous life.
Living with Happiness and Purpose
Maggie Ciskanik dives into the discussion of how to live a life with happiness and purpose through the lens of psychology.
What Do Meaning and Purpose Have to Do with Happiness?
How do meaning and purpose affect happiness? Happiness is more than just a positive emotional state, and purpose in life helps individuals feel grounded.
The Reluctance Of Males To Become Men: Failure to Launch
John Clark discusses the male reluctance to become men by analyzing Failure to Launch syndrome and arguing for perfect happiness as the answer.
Between the Lines, Young Writers Reveal Hope
Ultimate happiness and culture-healing result from teaching skills that allow students to use meaningful communication and push conversations forward.
Jordan Peterson Returns, and We See Ourselves
I feel duty-bound to bring the good news that a spiritually enriching drama is now playing on You Tube: the return of Jordan B. Peterson, Ph.D.
Made in His Image: the Social Synapse and the Neurobiology of Connection
The data is in: we are hardwired for connection and social interactions. Not a surprise—for God is a community of love, and we are made in His image.