Meet Lou Tice, Founder of the Pacific Institute and Creator of 'Smart-Talk'
In 1971, Lou Tice founded The Pacific Institute, that helps people, organizations, and companies achieve the fullness of their potential.
We Are Not Just Products of Our Circumstances: Albert Bandura’s Life Path
Do you have influence on the direction your life? According to psychologist, Albert Bandura—and his theory on Human Agency—you sure do.
Is God Part of Your Social Network?
Is God Part of Your Social Network?
St. Ignatius on Overcoming Desolation
St. Ignatius of Loyola offers a series of “rules,” or principles, which can help us work against this depressing and downward movement of desolation.
Bearing Witness in a Secular Age
James K.A. Smith asks the question, “What does it mean to live in a secular society?” and points out the importance of defining the term, “secular.”
The Best New Year's Resolution
New Year’s resolutions dominate thoughts and conversations this time of year, but there is one thing that requires commitment but not willpower: gratitude.
Increasing Happiness Through the Exploration of Transcendence
Today, depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide. Statistics such as these show us that society isn’t offering the tools we need to be happy.
Thanksgiving: A Time to Reflect on the Gift of Friendship
Each type of friendship, if understood properly and lived accordingly, can be good and worth thanking God for, especially during the holiday season.
What is Truth? The Dance of Science and Truth (Part 2)
What we say scientifically might actually be a false narrative of reality. What really is true, and is certitude necessary to actually know something?
Skepticism and Certitude in an Age of Relativism: The Dance of Science and Truth (Part 1)
The definiton of culture is determined by questioning the meaning of our existence. When this question is eliminated, the culture and morality are corrupted
This Labor Day, How Can We Work Like St. Joseph?
With over 52% of Americans reporting dissatisfaction at work, what can we do to find purpose in “meaningless” jobs, and work like St. Joseph?
Thomistic Personalism – A Marriage Made in Heaven, Hell, or Harvard (actual video title!)
Peter Kreeft asserts that “Thomistic Personalism” is helping us arrive at a fuller understanding of the human person – not just what, but who, we are.