The Language of Lightning Bugs
Why are we so willing to call the winkings and blinkings of lightning bugs a “language” but hesitant to stand in awe before the beauty of human language?
How these Two Jesuit Priests Exemplify C.S. Lewis' Definition of Friendship
National Catholic Register points to Fathers Robert Spitzer and William Watson as example of true friendship, and we think C.S. Lewis would agree.
The Greatest Danger Facing America Today According to Bishop Barron
Bishop Barron address the greatest problem facing American society today in a recent interview with Aleteia. Without hesitation, Bishop Barron identifies...
Contemplative Prayer Leading to Spiritual and Moral Conversion
Amidst the hustle and bustle of daily life, finding time to engage in contemplative prayer can feel like wishful thinking, but this prayer is essential for spiritual growth. In this article, Fr. Spitz
Joy and Music: Confessions of a Piano Guys Fan
Joy and Music: Confessions of a Piano Guys Fan
The Map to Moral Conversion: Moral Conversion Series #6
The more we deepen our spiritual conversion and use our affirmations and visualizations, the stronger and more preeminent our higher selves will become and the further we will go on our journey to mor
Resisting Temptation Through Ignatian Spirituality: Moral Conversion Series #5
One of the best ways to resist temptation and grow in moral conversion is St. Ignatius' Examen prayer, a short daily exercise (around 10 minutes) that aims at freedom from sin through moral conversion
Becoming Your "Higher Self": Moral Conversion Series #4
If through the regular practice of virtue one builds up the higher self, then in times of temptation one will feel an aversion towards sin instead of an inclination to it. This will help us increase i
The Struggle Within: Moral Conversion Series #3
In this article, we will discuss the struggle between good and evil within all of us. St. Paul calls this dilemma the new man vs. the old man. He recognized that we have two selves dwelling within us.
The Road to Happiness: Moral Conversion Series #2
St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus, lays down a path for moral conversion in his work, the Spiritual Exercises. From this work comes Ignatian spirituality, a path to moral con
Seeking Happiness: Moral Conversion Series #1
What is happiness? This question has inspired voluminous writing from ancient times until today. One of the greatest philosophers, Aristotle, addressed the question of happiness in his work, the Nicom
Desolation Checklist: Love One Another as I Have Loved You
This article will shed light on the deepest manifestations of love and why love is our reason for being, our highest dignity, and our eternal destiny.