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Magis Center Blog

Purposeful Universe2 min read

Building a Modern Human in 8 Million Years [VIDEO]

Beginning 6 to 7 million years ago, the lineages leading to modern humans and chimpanzees diverged. This video shows building a modern human via evolution.
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Sebastian Stanton5 min read

Positivism: The Philosophy Behind Modern Science

Positivism may be understood as a specific approach to any subject in which any hypothesis or assertion must be grounded in mathematical or logical proofs.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.6 min read

Why Are We So Obsessed with ChatGPT?

What Does the Fascination with ChatGPT Tell Us About Us?
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

Dan Kuebler Writes About Pope Benedict’s Last Testimony on Faith and Science

Dan Kuebler Writes about Pope Benedict’s Last Testimony on Faith and Science
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J. G. Miller3 min read

The Reason Why AI Will Never Be Just Like Us

Could advances in artificial intelligence result in machines that are so much like us that we might as well consider them human?
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Purposeful Universe1 min read

A Revolution in the Study of Ancient DNA

Scientists found Neanderthal DNA in a cave in Belgium with no Neanderthal fossils. This ancient DNA discovery is a major advance in evolutionary biology.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

NASA Artemis Mission [VIDEOS]

Artemis 1 is the first of 3 rockets that NASA will use to establish human presence on the moon. Artemis 1 was launched the morning of November 16, 2022.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S., MSc.4 min read

Does the Universe Care About Purpose?

Does the Universe Care About Purpose? There's evidence that purpose is beneficial, but some scientists are bothered by the idea of purpose in the universe.
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Purposeful Universe2 min read

Is Increasing Complexity Evolution’s Purpose?

Is increasing complexity evolution’s purpose? The last 14 billion years have shown there seems to be an inherent direction in evolution toward complexity.
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Purposeful Universe< 1 min read

The Arrow of Evolution [VIDEO]

Dr. Dan Kuebler shows that life seems to have a drive toward complexity. Does that mean the universe is also purposed for complexity?
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Purposeful Universe1 min read

What Does It Mean to Be Human?

Does science support either a theistic or a materialistic view of the human person? Does consciousness present a problem for science?
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Dr. Dan Kuebler< 1 min read

Can Science Explain Miracles? EWTN News & Son Rise Morning Show

From the North Star to the Virgin birth, Christmas is a time to take in both the wonder of science and the miracles that go beyond science.
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