[Podcast] Fr. Spitzer Discusses Exorcisms, Cosmic Fine Tuning, and More
This month Pat Flynn welcomed Fr. Spitzer back to his podcast to cover the topics of exorcisms, cosmic fine tuning, the "Who" of God, and more.
Verified Scientific Facts supporting the Authenticity of the Shroud of Turin
The results of the 1989 Carbon 14 dating of the Shroud of Turin caused scientists and believers to seek the scientific facts supporting the Shroud of Turin.
If You Weren't Able to Complete the 7 Essential Modules in Advent, No Worries—Here Comes Lent
If You Weren't Able to Complete the 7 Essential Modules in Advent, No Worries—Here Comes Lent
Quantum Logic: Last Days and the Resurrection of the Dead
As Catholics, we believe that we will be resurrected and judged on the Last Day. Could quantum logic offer a scientific basis for that belief?
What the Magi Saw
Explanations for the star abound, conjectures run the debates, and the historical data is a tangle. What is it that the Magi actually saw in the sky?
Does Quantum Mechanics Speak to Catholic Teaching III: The Measurement Problem
Quantum Mechanics is a beautiful and mathematically elegant theory, but there is a major flaw in its connection with the real world: the measurement probem.
Does Quantum Mechanics Speak to Catholic Teaching II: Quantum Mysteries Intersect Theology
Does Quantum Mechanics Speak to Catholic Teaching II: Quantum Mysteries Intersect Theology
O Nata Lux: An Advent Reflection by Dr. Michelle Francl
O Nata Lux: An Advent Reflection by Dr. Michelle Francl
A Point in Time: Not All Time is Linear
A Point in Time: Not All Time is Linear
Can You Spare 90 Minutes Per Week This Advent Season to Help Save a Young Person’s Faith?
Discover the large and growing body of scientific, medical, and historical evidence for the Catholic Faith with the Credible Catholic modules this Advent.
What’s so Spooky about Quantum Mechanics?
It is commonplace to refer to the "spooky" action of quantum particles, but if you are not a science buff, you may wonder what all the weirdness is about.
Does Quantum Mechanics Speak to Catholic Teaching I: General Considerations
Does quantum mechanics shed any light on theological principles and, if so, how? This is how quantum mechanics intersects theology.