Two-Part Podcast Interview with Fr. Spitzer on the Man-Up Show
This two-part podcast interview with Fr. Robert Spitzer on the Man-Up Show focuses on evidence for God and the battle to reconcile faith and science.
The Intellectual Endeavor of Science
The academic discipline of science can broaden our understanding of reality and directs our longing for Truth to God. For example, the Sahara Desert...
A New Kind of Fossil Record Revisited
Recently, I wrote a post about a gene survey that examined 100,000 species. With the help of a Magis reader, we discovered another side to the story.
5 Key Pieces of Evidence on the Shroud of Turin
A dive into the scientifically validated evidence on the Shroud of Turin.
The Evolution of the Universe
Do modern theories in cosmology support the idea of creation? There is evidence that suggests the universe is expanding - what does this mean for...
49 Years Later, the Moon Landing Still Astounds Us
The moon landing was an unforgettable event. Eyewitnesses to the televised event will tell you how it changed their lives; and it still astounds us today
Light from the Stars - What NASA’s New Telescope Can (and Can't)Tell Us
The mission of the James Webb Space Telescope is to capture light from stars a million miles from earth - but do these images just lead to more questions?
Father Spitzer and Credible Catholic Featured on Catholic News Service
Catholic News Service (CNS) points to Father Spitzer's efforts to stem the flood of young Catholics leaving the church through Credible Catholic.
DNA: A New Kind of Fossil Record
New information about the evolution of species has emerged from the study of a “genetic barcode” in DNA. The results of a sweeping gene survey conducted by
A Universe Without Meaning: The Pale Blue Dot Part 5
The idea of a universe without meaning declares the world is a deterministic cage in which we are a byproduct of meaningless processes. But what if we are
What Language Reveals about the World: The Pale Blue Dot Part 4
Language reveals that we have this extraordinary capacity to form conceptual ideas even about things that are beyond our physical experience.
Of Stonehenge and Solstices
The Summer Solstice, June 21, brings thousands to northern England to witness the sunrise at Stonehenge. The site is an example of a “sacred” place, where..