Why Science Works: A Philosopher's Guide
What is the philosophical ground on which science rests? There are two main camps of philosophers of science: realist and antirealist.
Create Your Own Reality? Pale Blue Dot Part 3
Have all the incredible discoveries of science led us only to discover our inability to really know anything about reality?
How Did Life Begin?
How were the constituent molecules obtained from primitive chemicals in the early earth, and how were they assembled into the building blocks of life?
Hard-Wired for Faith: The Religious Experience and the Brain
Studies about religion and the brain tend to cause more controversy than they resolve, but recent studies have pointed to some clear conclusions.
Can Computers Have a Soul?
A necessary condition for computers or robots to have a soul is that they be self-aware, be conscious. If this is not possible, then there would be no way we could think that devices with “artificial
Religion, Intelligence, and the Pale Blue Dot
This snapshot of the earth as a miniscule pale blue dot, made famous by Carl Sagan, was used to demonstrate his belief that man’s significance was reduced, obscured by the vast and impersonal universe
Are The Bible and Contemporary Science Compatible?
Christians have been given a great deal of liberty to believe in contemporary science, but who should we believe when science and the bible don't match up? When science tells us that the universe is 1
The God of the Bible and the God of the Genome
The God of the Bible and the God of the Genome
Review of "The Evolution Controversy: A Survey of Competing Theories"
Review of "The Evolution Controversy: A Survey of Competing Theories"
The Catholic Church: Midwife and Nursemaid to Science
The Catholic Church: Midwife and Nursemaid to Science
Fulton Sheen's Beatification Miracle
After being stillborn, James Fulton Engstrom was restored to health by a miracle occurring through the intercession of Fulton Sheen.
Belief in Science
Belief in Science