New Film Documents the Life, Work, and Mission of Dr. John Lennox
Can you find God in science? 'Against the Tide', a new documentary featuring Dr. John Lennox, says you can. Watch 'Against the Tide' on Nov. 19, 2020.
New Video Campaign Explores the Impressive Level of Order in the Universe—and the Purpose That it Implies
The Magis Center’s new John Templeton funded campaign, The Purposeful Universe, looks at an evolutionary system guided by order in physics and chemistry.
The Value of Science in the Age of CRISPR
Among advances in medicine and technology is the capability of “gene editing” via a technique known as CRISPR; bu what are the bioethical considerations?
The Truth. How do we know it when we see it?
Two blog posts cannot exhaust the complex issues of how the human mind “knows” and how we make judgments about what is “true.”
St. Augustine: Patron Saint of Geeks?
As a science and math geek, I need a patron saint. I choose St. Augustine of Hippo, whose insights into science and math were centuries ahead of his time.
Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin: Two Men and a Theory
Scientists Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel were contemporaries. Mendel certainly knew of Charles Darwin, but did Darwin ignore Gregor Mendel's work?
John Lennox: 'Exposing My Faith to Questioning Has Only Made it Stronger'
In the video below, Professor John Lennox shares that he found exposing his faith in God to questioning from others has only made it stronger.
What is Time? Part V: Quantum Time
This is the fifth in a series of articles addressing the question “What is time?” Here I’ll examine how time in quantum mechanics is strange.
What is Time? Part IV: Relativity and Time
In this piece, I’ll explain why relativity changes our view of time from an absolute dimension to one that depends on how we’re moving and where we are.
Made in His Image: the Social Synapse and the Neurobiology of Connection
The data is in: we are hardwired for connection and social interactions. Not a surprise—for God is a community of love, and we are made in His image.
Made in God’s Image; or Are We?
Should the idea of our being “made in the image of God” should be set aside since it has been disproved by science? Dr. Marie George answers.
Challenging Heliocentrism: The 'Great Debate' of 1920
At the turn of the last century, a little remembered but dramatic debate took place between prominent astronomers Harlow Shapely and Heber Curtis.