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Magis Center Blog

Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.3 min read

Why Catholics Should Learn about Science

Why science for Catholics? "Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes."
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.5 min read

Physics, Philosophy, and Free Will

Is the unshakeable belief in the power of science justified? Yes, but with a catch that includes the use of philosophy and free will.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.5 min read

Habitable Worlds and the Origin of Water

At the Thomistic Institute's symposium, Novelty in Nature, Dr. Karin Oberg, PhD, delivered a fascinating presentation on the origin of water.
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Dr. Michael Ferguson4 min read

Curious Bedfellows: Soul and Brain

After publishing an architectural decomposition of the human brain’s functional patterns, none of us knew the astounding correlations that would emerge from Aristotle’s philosophy of the human soul.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.5 min read

Is Atheism Inconsistent with the Scientific Method?

Is atheism inconsistent with the scientific method? The answer from this year’s winner of the Templeton Prize, Marcelo Gleiser, may surprise you.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.5 min read

Why (Some) Scientists Say There is No Such Thing as a Soul

Rather than speaking of the soul, scientists focus on the mind—measured and observed in replicated experiments—as a function of what goes on in the brain.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.3 min read

The Father and Son Who Can “Bragg” About A Nobel Prize

William Bragg was a father from history whose talent, character, and influence earned both him and his son, Lawrence, a Nobel Prize in Physics.
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.5 min read

Black Holes, Stephen Hawking, and the Evangelical Physicist Who Proved Him Wrong

The story of how a faithful Christian found no conflict between his faith and his work as a physicist. All while proving Stephen Hawking wrong.
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Magis Center3 min read

History of the Shroud of Turin (Cutting through the Controversy!)

The Shroud of Turin, or the burial cloth of Jesus, first appeared in 1349 in historical documents associated with a French crusader, Geoffrey de Charnay.
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Magis Center2 min read

How Old is the Shroud of Turin? 1,970 years (Give or Take 200).

While a carbon dating test in 1988 placed the Shroud's origin in the 1200s, more recent tests indicate the Shroud dates back to the time of Christ.
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Dr. Robert Kurland, Ph.D.7 min read

Quantum Mechanics and the Real Presence: What Reality Should We Believe?

Shortly after I entered the Church, and as a physicist, I struggled with Quantum mechanics and the Real Presence. I wondered what reality I should believe?
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Maggie Ciskanik, M.S.5 min read

Arizona Conference Invites Attendees to Pursue Science and Faith for Human Flourishing

The Arizona Center for Christian Studies hosted their Conference on Faith and Science themed, “Pursuing Science and Christian Faith for Human Flourishing.”
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