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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Aug 1, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

1 August 2024

Memorial of Saint Alphonsus Liguori, Bishop and Doctor of the Church

More on the Kingdom of Heaven, which God will definitely establish at the Last Judgment. So, we must wait until then when he will separate the good from the bad. Meanwhile, we must live daily with the good mixed with the bad, the wheat and the weeds in our world and in ourselves.

To work to build up the Kingdom of Heaven “here on earth as it is in heaven,” we must imitate Jesus, who came not to judge and condemn, but to save the sinner, each one of us. This power he gave to the Church. So, our fidelity to the Church, which will be glorified at the Last Judgment, can never be separated from our love of Christ.

Words in the psalm of today’s mass sum up much of what we have been meditating on earlier, particularly today: “Put not your trust in princes… in whom there is no salvation.” That is, promise of sensual satisfaction, money and power, but in the magis way, the better choice to achieve the Kingdom of Heaven.

Resolve: During the past few weeks we have been inundated by news outlets, and so, I will thank God that the electric revolution has brought so much satisfaction. At the same time, I’ll spend some quiet time reflecting on the wisdom given in today’s mass on the most prudent way to make choices.