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Richard Nichols S.J.Mar 1, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

1 March 2024

Friday of the Second Week of Lent

        At 17 years of age, Joseph was still making costly blunders.  Later he would save his family and become a true Old Testament patriarch, but now, at 17, he was still tattling on his brothers, bringing reports of their bad conduct to his father, Jacob (Genesis 37:2).  Moreover, Joseph couldn’t stop bragging about his own gifts, especially his prophetic, visionary dreams.  In one dream, he was binding sheaves in the field with his brothers, when his sheaf became the tallest, and his brothers’ sheaves bowed to his own.  In another dream, Joseph saw the sun and the moon and 11 stars bowing to him.  Both dreams were remarkable, yes, but nothing to brag about.  Unfortunately, Joseph kept talking about it, and in doing so he incurred his brothers’ hatred and his father’s rebuke.  He still needed to learn discretion.

               Pardon the anachronism, but if Joseph had a spiritual director or a confessor, he could have discussed these things more discreetly.  Spiritual directors and confessors are people with whom you can confidentially discuss certain matters without any ensuing impact in your social circles.  If you are confused or scandalized by the actions of others, don’t just ignore it but talk it out.  If you are joyful for some gift or talent that God has given to you, don’t just ignore it but talk it out discreetly with someone committed to following Jesus and staying close to him in prayer.