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Thomas Croteau S.J.Aug 10, 2024 12:00:00 AM1 min read

10 August 2024

Feast of Saint Lawrence, Deacon and Martyr

Along with Saint Stephen the first martyr and Saint Vincent of Saragossa, Saint Lawrence is one of the greatest deacon saints of the Church. Our English word deacon comes from the Greek word for someone who serves (diakonos), which appears in the Gospel for today’s feast. Our Lord says, “Whoever serves (diakone) me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant (diakonos) be.” (John 12:26) Saint Lawrence served Christ by following our Lord in charity and in martyrdom.

Before his own martyrdom, Saint Lawrence was entrusted by Pope Saint Sixtus II with ministering to the poor of Rome. The emperor, ordering the death of the pope and other clergy, ordered Saint Lawrence to surrender to the state the “riches” of the Church. Having distributed all the charitable funds, Saint Lawrence then gathered many of the poor and suffering of Rome for the meeting with imperial officials in which the hand over was to take place. “Behold,” said Saint Lawrence, pointing to those beloved brothers and sisters of Christ gathered around him, “the riches of the Church.” Indeed, Saint Lawrence saw these persons as our Lord does, far more precious than silver and gold!

Having served Christ in caring for the least of his brothers and sisters, Saint Lawrence then followed our Lord in the witness of suffering. He was condemned to death by being burned upon a red hot iron grate. Such was his courage in the face of these sufferings that he called out jokingly to the executioners, “You can turn me over, I am done on this side.” Let us give thanks to God today for His Infinite Love which feeds and strengthens us in body, mind, and soul. Let us beg Him to help us love others as He has loved us, so that we may serve Him, follow Him, and be where He is forever.