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Cornelius Buckley S.J.Jun 10, 2023 12:00:00 AM1 min read

10 June 2023

Saturday of the Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

The first reading is the conclusion of the Tobias elegy. In justice Raphael rewards Tobias for his generosity and charity and tells him that God should be praised in public. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving have spiritual results, but the best of these is almsgiving, putting into effect the corporal works of mercy.

Where is the lesson here for me personally and for our nation, inundated with floods of illegal migrants, street people, pornographic and drug addicts? Raphael said he presents prayers to God, which he hears, but that God puts faith to the test, as he did with all of those in this narrative, so that their faith, hope and charity would grow stronger.

Finally, Raphael shows the importance of obeying the law and living faith are essential in daily life. Tobit is a loyal son, who has given glory to God, an example for all.

Resolve: I will thank God for the Rafael he has given me, and ask him for the grace to know my guardian angel more intimately, so he will teach me, as Gabriel taught Tobit, how I can better serve him. I shall also ask the angels to guard and keep my country faithful to the service of God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.