Ignatian Reflections

10 March 2024

Written by Cornelius Buckley S.J. | Mar 10, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Allusion of the snake Christ gives in today’s Gospel sums up the meaning of Lent. The original snake was tied to a pole and the Hebrews in the desert who looked on it were cured of any death-threating poison. I am saved from my spiritual death-bringing malady to the degree that I have recourse to Christ nailed up upon the wooden cross. Lent is a special time for me to reflect on that fact.

Crucified, Jesus is the image and proof of God’s love for me, for each of us, for the whole world. So, to live out the meaning of this symbol in all I do now and for the rest of my life is to give witness to God’s love for me.

In this Gospel, Christ also contrasts light with darkness. He is the light our Heavenly Father sent into the word, the light that illumines the way we travel to our final destination. We can opt to take it to reach the goal for which were are made or refuse it to squander hopelessly in passing enticing darkness

Resolution. This week I’ll spend time reflecting on these two images Christ gives in today’s Gospel: the Light that illumines the way to true happiness and the Cross that picks us up when we stumble. In a spirit of thanksgiving for such instruction, I shall ask the Lord to be as generous this Lent with others, who deliberately refuse to accept the Light and the Cross, as he has been with me.