Ignatian Reflections

13 June 2023

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Jun 13, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua, Priest and Doctor of the Church

The Lords words of encouragement that we are to hold in our memory today tell us that we are salt and light. In the darkness, Christ our light has shown upon us by His mercy, and He wants to make us shine as well. He reminds us that we are not to take His light only for ourselves, but that He wants us to reflect the light of His mercy and love upon others who have been in the dark.

St Anthony who we remember today, and who continues to pray for us, was one who listened to Christ’s encouraging words. He is known for his preaching which spoke to the hearts of those who heard him, and so brought the light of Christ to the souls of those who were yearning for knowledge of God’s love and mercy. Yet, when we see depictions of St Anthony, often he is shown holding out a loaf of bread. By his concrete corporal works of mercy such as feeding the hungry, St Anthony allowed the light which Christ shown on him continue to shine on those in the darkness of hunger and need. 

Let us ask the Lord to remind us of those whose words and concrete deeds have shown us the light of Christ’s mercy. Let us ask the Lord to make us lights for those around us, that we may encourage the afflicted just as He has encouraged us.