Ignatian Reflections

15 February 2024

Written by Michael Maher S.J. | Feb 15, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Thursday after Ash Wednesday

When Ignatius was studying at the University of Paris, he met a young student by the name of Francis Xavier.   Francis shared a room with Pierre Favre, both of whom were 23 and they decided to take in as a house mate Ignatius, who was 38 at the time.    A Basque like himself, Ignatius saw in Francis great potential and energy which needed direction. No doubt Francis saw the benefits of a good college degree as crucial for landing an ecclesiastical career that would enable him to enjoy honors and riches. Ignatius, in his typical pithy and concise manner, laid the matter clear to Xavier by quoting today’s gospel: What good does do to gain the whole world and then to lose your soul. The question took hold and Xavier, weighing earthly honors to eternal salvation chose to follow our Lord by means of the good advice his older roommate could offer. Francis Xavier and Pierre Favre became founding members of the Society of Jesus. Xavier was sent by Ignatius to Asia, a trip which is identified as the beginning of the evangelization of Asia. Africa, India, and Asia now are returning the favor and sending missionaries to the United States, a missionary exchange that began with Francis Xavier who got his priorities put in proper perspective by Ignatius by quoting today’s gospel.