Ignatian Reflections

15 January 2024

Written by Jason Britsch, S.J. | Jan 15, 2024 5:00:00 AM

Monday of the Second Week in Ordinary Time

The Christian life is a cycle of feasting and fasting. There are moments to rejoice with loved ones and the Lord, such as a wedding or Christmas – there are moments to shoulder the cross, such as a funeral or Good Friday. This cycle is the rhythm of human existence, a rhythm that Jesus himself experienced.

            In today’s Gospel, the Pharisees have lost sight of the season of feasting. They are “accustomed to fast,” and they wonder why Jesus and his disciples don’t fast with them. They don’t recognize that Christ, the bridegroom, has arrived. It’s a time for celebration, but the Pharisees are blind to it.

            How often are we like the Pharisees here? How often do we allow ourselves to be so consumed by worries and sufferings that we lose sight of Christ’s invitation to celebrate? How often are we blind to the joy of Christ’s presence among us? While the season of fasting has its place, let’s pray today for the grace to embrace the feast as well, as Christ did. Whether we treat ourselves to a good meal, relax with a loved one, or make time for our favorite hobby, let’s remember to rejoice today with Christ, the bridegroom.