Ignatian Reflections

15 June 2023

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Jun 15, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Thursday of the Tenth Week in Ordinary Time

When the glory of the Lord would fill the tent of meeting, Moses would go from the midst of the people and speak with the Lord face to face. But this encounter would so transform him, that his own face was radiant with light afterwards, so he would veil his face upon returning from the tent of meeting. 

The psalmist proclaims that God does not stay far away from us, but with His glory He draws near to us, to dwell in our own land. The challenge is to be like Moses, and to take the veil from our faces and turn to the Lord who comes to us. St Paul reminds us to do this in removing the veil of doubt and turning in faith and trust to the face of Jesus Christ the Lord. The in the Gospel, the Lord Himself teaches us to remove the veil of wrath and of dismissive name calling, and to turn to our brethren expecting to see there the image of the Lord who made us and calls us to love those whomHe has made out of love.

Let us ask the Lord to help us draw near to Him in faith and love for Him and for our neighbor. Let us ask Him to transform us by His gaze as He transformed Moses.