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Richard Nichols S.J.Jul 16, 2024 7:00:00 PM1 min read

16 July 2024

Tuesday of the Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

               After two equally matched countries have fought each other in a lengthy war, they are both vulnerable to an attack from a third country.  This happened once to the kingdom of Judah.  After they had defended themselves successfully from besiegers, a new enemy appeared and pitched camp nearby.  Knowing that their own military and economy were in shambles, and that they would be easy prey before a fresh, organized army, “the heart of the king and the heart of the people trembled, as the trees of the forest tremble in the wind” (Isaiah 7:2).  It was at this terrifying moment that Isaiah appeared with this prophecy:  “take care you remain calm and do not fear; do not let your courage fail” (Isaiah 7:4).  He is saying something obvious, that it is necessary for kings and warriors to be calm and courageous, even in the face of death.  He is also saying something not at all obvious, that this would not be a time for defeat.  Instead, God would help them and protect them.  Isaiah went on to foretell the coming of the savior, the messiah, the Christ, who would deliver them in the end. 
               What about you?  Every human heart encounters the war between good and evil, between right and wrong, between love and hate, etc.  After fighting that fight so many times over, it is natural to find yourself weakened, vulnerable to a fresh assault from a third party.  Do not despair, even if you tremble “like the trees of the forest tremble in the wind.”  Rather, take courage and remain calm, knowing that your savior, Jesus Christ, is coming to save you, provided only you repent and believe in him.  May he come again soon!