Ignatian Reflections

16 June 2023

Written by Thomas Croteau S.J. | Jun 16, 2023 4:00:00 AM

Solemnity of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus

So many people today forget that they are known and loved. Scrolling through the published and polished lives of others, many draw despairing comparisons between their own daily challenges and the seeming bliss of the rest of the world. Yet in those moments, they forget how much they and their courage in facing their daily challenges mean to the family and friends who love them. So many live alone, and think that this means that they are alone, forgetting that there are so many who remember them and want to spend time with them, if only they would reach out.

Deuteronomy remind us that above all others, the Lord claims us as His own beloved people. We belong to His heart which has chosen us, and which calls out for our love. The love of the Lord is forgotten in our moments of despair, and cheapened in our moments of presumption. And so Christ calls us to go out from our despair, to leave our presumption, and in humility and vulnerability to come to Him, to find rest in Him, to learn from His meek and humble heart which has not overlooked us, but is ever set upon us. 

Let us take a moment today to thank Jesus for His love for us, and to ask Him to train us in His heart’s school of love that we may reach out to others who are tempted to despair of love or to take love for granted. Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto Thine!